Friday, 5 September 2008

Vive Cornwaille!

When I was a boy I used to go paddling in the rock pools at St Ives. The memories are as vivid today as they were then. I can still smell the alluring aroma from the cafe on the front, and feel the tang of the salt water spray upon my face No wonder Cornwall has such a magentic appeal to so many artists, holidaymakers and talented public servants. Those who peddle in rumour are now saying that our very own and much cherished Chief Executive may soon be heading down the A30, not stoppping til after Indian Queens. All I can say is Bon chance Alan! If rumours become reality you will love it there. The people are friendly once you get to know them. They accept you after a couple of generations. True Cornishmen are stocky and diminutive in stature. At least you have a natural advantage in the latter department. I always feel close to the county's heritage and Breton roots. Perhaps it is the granite. But certainly there are far more property bargains to be had in Brittany just now. Imagine Cornwall with even greater beauty and far fewer traffic jams. Imagine Cornwall where the food is always special and the the welcome entirely genuine. That's Brittany. Give me a call for impartial advice, anytime

1 comment:

Hemant Saluja said...

I think paddling in the rock is a good exercise. I enjoy paddling myself.
